ATLANTA–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Woman-owned The Mercury Company, a secure and vetted networking platform for C-suite technology officers, will go live at 5:30 p.m. Eastern time today with an initial roster of 50 prominent names from the tech world, and a growing wait-list.
The members represent Fortune 50 corporations, high-growth organizations, and prominent nonprofits spanning from Miami to Seattle. 48 percent of members are women or are from diverse races and ethnic backgrounds.
Mercury’s platform is vendor-less, meaning the vetted network has no sales reps or consultants on it. Membership is limited to executives who hold the highest technology or digital transformation position within their organization.
“This is a space where executives can freely interact and engage in peer-to-peer conversations without the pressure of a sales pitch,” said founder & CEO Leah Price Williams, who built her career operating private industry executive gatherings.
In its initial launch Mercury is positioned toward technology executives—in particular, “those lacking the time to sift through a massive personal Rolodex to identify which of their many contacts has the right background, experience, and successes to help answer questions in real time,” said Williams.
“Mercury doesn’t replace in-person connection, but it allows C-suite executives to obtain the insights they need at the critical moments,” Williams added.
Said Mercury founding member Bryson Koehler, Chief Product, Data, Analytics, and Technology Officer of Equifax: “As a leader, I am eager to learn. Meeting smart people who can teach me something new requires constant maintenance of your network and Mercury is a great addition to my personal development plan.”
Williams revealed that Mercury will ultimately function as a “buyers-only” network for C-suite executives in every industry, not just tech. “We also plan to add custom video content from premiere solution providers for members to view at their leisure instead of having their inbox flooded with untimely demo requests,” she offered.
Williams said membership in the Mercury network carries with it other benefits, including access to hyper-exclusive in-person programs and the ability to earn top contributor rewards.
In response to overwhelming member interest, the AI-powered networking platform features a private job board for members to post open roles, refer friends, and offer recruitment-related insights, she said.
To apply for membership in Mercury or for more information, please visit
Paige Heinrichs